
Paleo Tortillas/Crepes

January 11, 2018

Since the first day I made these, my husband has been obsessed! He actually says that he likes them better than regular tortillas. I have to admit that they do NOT taste like corn or flour tortillas. I can’t fake that corn taste. NO CAN DO. They actually have a bit of an eggy flavor that we personally love!

The best part about these is that they are almost indestructible. haha! They don’t break when you fold them up. A broken taco is a quick way to ruin your meal. 🙁 These tortillas will never let you down in that department!

These shells can also double as crepes! Fill them with eggs and veggies or berries and some coconut whipped cream for a yummy breakfast!

Print Recipe
Paleo Tortillas/Crepes
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 5-10 minutes
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 5-10 minutes
  1. In a bowl, combine all of the ingredients. When making tortilla shells for tacos, I like to add garlic powder, onion powder, and cumin for extra flavor - totally optional!
  2. Over medium-heat, pour 2-3 tbsp (a little bit less than 1/4 cup) of batter in a small nonstick pan** and swirl around to form a circle.
  3. When the edges start to curl up slightly, its time to flip! This usually takes about 30-45 seconds. I like to use a silicone, heat-resistant spatula. I just lightly slide it around the edges to loosen. Because of the nonstick pan, you should be able to easily slide the spatula around and flip your tortilla effortlessly.
  4. Flip and cook the other side for another 30-45 seconds.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have used up all of your batter. This recipe typically makes about 8 tortillas - give or take. It just depends on how thick you make them!
Recipe Notes

*I would not substitute anything for the avocado oil. I have tried coconut oil and butter. However, when added to the cold eggs, it solidifies and doesn't cook evenly. Therefore, the recipe will yield some clumpier tortillas.

**I use a 6-inch pan. Make sure to use a non-stick one! It's essential!

Tahini Chocolate Chip Blondies

January 10, 2018

These are my version of a chocolate chip and peanut butter blondie/cookie bar. Who can say no to CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER!?!? My household sure can’t. Even the dogs are crowding around me when I mix up a batch of these. Then again….I can’t recall a time that my dogs AREN’T crowding around me in the kitchen. They’re beagles. It kind of comes with the breed. Gotta love my fur babes. <3

To begin with, if you haven’t ever tried tahini, give it a shot, please! It’s easier on digestion than peanut butter, and a lot more versatile in your cabinet! If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s ground up sesame seeds – THAT’S IT! (That’s all it should be, anyways. CHECK YOUR LABELS!) AND it’s superrrr delish!! It has more of a roasted flavor than peanut butter and makes super yummy dressings too! You can find tons of cooking uses for it! You just have to have an open mind. 🙂

My favorite way to use it…is in baking! It gives things a yummy PB flavor without any of the possible overly-processed, toxin-filled legumes that don’t mix well with my husband’s gut. It’s much preferred in my house!

Enough about tahini and all of the other not-really-important blabbering from me…here’s the recipe!


Print Recipe
Tahini Chocolate Chip Blondies
Course Dessert
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
thick blondies
Course Dessert
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
thick blondies
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a bowl, combine tahini, honey, sugar, melted butter/ghee, vanilla, apple cider vinegar, and eggs.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine almond flour, coconut flour, maca powder, salt, baking soda and collagen peptides.
  4. Add your dry flour mixture to your wet mixture and combine. If you really don't feel like dirty-ing up another bowl...don't! Feel free to add all of your dry ingredients to the wet mixture without combing them separately. Just make sure you mix them together VERY WELL and aren't leaving clumps of flour throughout the batter.
  5. Pour the batter into a baking pan (I used an 8X8) and bake for 23-25 minutes until the center is done.
Recipe Notes

*  Browning your butter is optional - but highly recommended! It gives it more of a rich, nutty flavor. When it comes to baking cookies, I almost always brown the butter! It's super simple to do. In a saucepan over medium-heat, melt your butter. It will begin to foam after a few minutes. Cook it for another 3 minutes or so, until the foam is almost gone and the liquid underneath is a caramel color. you should see little brown bits at the bottom - those are dairy solids. If you strain those out, you're left with clarified butter, also known as GHEE! You can use them or toss them out! I like to cook my ghee until it's a deep caramel. Whatever your preference, it'll be tasty!