
To those seeking yummy recipes to cook…or just to look at, and to those looking for healthy alternatives, I hope to be able to meet both of those stipulations in every recipe posted!

For more sneak peeks of recipes to come, what I’m currently eating or cooking, or just random shots of my beagle babies, follow me on Instagram or Facebook by clicking on the icons in the upper right hand corner!

Check out my newest recipes below!


It's almost FALLLLLL!!!   Enter in: ALL THINGS PUMPKIN!!! I'm definitely every bit of that stereotypical fall-lover. Give me all
Breakfast...dessert...snack...you name it, these bars are it. They're so good, but so addicting! Beware - they're probably going to disappear
Homemade jam really couldn't be easier! You can use any frozen fruit you have on hand or mix a few
Any excuse to make food that is Mexican-inspired, I am down for! I recently purchased a huge bag of fresh
3 ingredients...plus water, a few seasonings, and some biscuits and you'll have one of my favorite meals! When someone says
Recently, my husband discovered he was intolerant to eggs. Let me tell ya, we eat A LOT of eggs and
Smoothies are my favorite way to pack in extra veggies when I'm feeling like a "treat" instead. Cauliflower is a
This. Salad. It's perfect for those summertime cookouts or whenever you are trying to stay far away from the oven
This dressing couldn't be anymore simple! It comes together in just a minute and is so tasty! Make this Creamy
When it comes to bacon, I just can't help myself. I'm guilty of trying to find an excuse to use

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