Flax egg

Gluten-Free Vegan Belgium Waffles

January 25, 2020

Weekend mornings call for waffles! Growing up, my grandparents had two giant commercial waffle irons. My grandpa loved using them and used any excuse he could to convince my grandma to allow him to cook up a few batches of these ginormous delights.

You really couldn’t eat more than 1…maybe two, if you were starving and ready to over-indulge to the max. However, sneaky grandpa used to make 2-3 for each of the grandkids just so he had plenty of extras for himself. SMART MAN. Some of my fondest memories involve these waffles…and now I have one of this waffle irons in my own kitchen. I can’t wait to pass on the fun tradition with my own kids – hopefully the beast of a machine lasts forever!

EGG FREE BAKING – it can be a real struggle – particularly with bread-like things. Thankfully, the waffle iron does a lot of work here and cooks up this beloved breakfast item perfectly, free of eggs and gluten!

I’m currently working on a egg-free paleo version, but I want it to be perfect before sending it your way. The testing process has been VERY EXCRUCIATING. 😉

Print Recipe
Gluten-Free Vegan Belgium Waffles
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Large belgium waffles
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Large belgium waffles
  1. Preheat your waffle iron. You want it hot and ready!
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt.
  3. To the mixing bowl, add the milk, melted butter, flax eggs, vanilla, and vinegar and stir until just combined. If it's a little lumpy from the butter hardening from cool milk, it will be fine.
  4. Spray the bottom of the iron liberally with the spray oil.
  5. Pour enough batter just to cover the griddle and fill the edges. You want enough, but not too much to wear it leaks out the edges.
  6. Spray the top of the waffle iron right before closing.
  7. Closing the iron (and flip if you have one like I do) and cook for 4 1/2 -5 minutes. This is for a LARGE belgium waffle. If you're making smaller ones, the cooking time will be about 3 minutes. The rule of thumb is the waffle is done when the steam stops coming (or almost - I've found a little steam is ok) out the sides of the waffle iron.
  8. Serve with lots of butter and maple syrup...even some fruit if that is your thaaaang!
  9. These keep great in the freezer! To heat up: bake at 350 for 5-10 minutes or toast them up in the toaster if you made small ones!